Friday, 14 November 2008

A Mother Load Of Antipsychiatry Links

THE NEW MEDIA is proving of vital importance in the dissemination of the truth about psychiatry. Advocates for the victims of mental health are growing in number and in strength as they discover, sometimes with amazement, that they are not alone in decrying the horrors of psychiatric abuses. So too, the socially disenfranchised victims of psychiatric abuse now have a means by which they may tell their stories. That they often find it difficult to give voice to their thoughts and feelings makes it all the more vital that they be heard.

REMEMBER that the psychiatric survivors who express themselves are the lucky ones who retain enough of their cognitive faculty to be able to express themselves at all. It is the silent millions, incapacitated and slaughtered in the name of psychopharmaceutical profits, that we must ultimately heed lest we too join them in their silence.

Able Child dot org - campaigning against psychiatrists' ongoing efforts to label everybody with bogus "diseases" (added 8-2-2003)
Fight For Kids - If you're a parent concerned with drugs in schools, this is the place for you. RECOMMENDED (Added 3-30-2003)
Duncan Double, the famous antipsychiatric psychiatrist who was apparently lost in cyberspace for a while, has found a new home. (Added 3-30-2003)
Alternative mental health dot com - The information clearinghouse for alternatives to psychiatric nonsense and worldwide directory of alternative mental health practices and practitioners. RECOMMENDED
Psych Crime, a chronicle of psychiatrists' criminal activities as reported in the press
Citizens Commission on Human Rights, an organization responsible for putting hundreds of criminal psychiatrists behind bars, where they belong.
The Anti-Psychiatry Coalition - a nonprofit volunteer group consisting of people who feel they have been harmed by psychiatry
The International Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology, featuring the seminal work of Peter Breggin
The Fraud of Child Psychiatry and other publications
Psychiatry Kills
The Dark Side of Psychiatry - an extensive collection of articles and links about the various idiocies of biological psychiatry
The Law Office of Hamilton D. Moore, who specializes in cases involving psychiatric abuse
Repressed Memory Syndrome - just another way for psychiatrists to dupe us
Diane Klein, writer of antipsychiatric fiction such as "In The Name of Help"
More links to the truth about psychiatry
A Psychiatrist Sees the Light and resigns from the APA
Psychiatric Survivor Action Association of Ontario, with extensive links to other sites
Mental Health Facts - Very straightforward, very hard-hitting, with extensive links and references
Critical Psychiatry Network - a scholastic site (mirrored here)
What You Should Know About Psychiatry and Psychiatric Drugs - a listing of relevant books, articles, and links
Confronting Modern Psychiatric Care - one of several excellent articles, this one by a psychiatrist who saw the light
Article on abuse of Ritalin and Talwin together as addictive substances (link not verified)
The dangers of Ritalin (link not verified)
Psych Assault - documenting the adverse effects of psychiatry on civilization (added 23 Oct 2001).
Mental Health Facts - What are the real causes of the smptoms of "insanity"? (added 19 Jan 2002)
Ritalin Death - a parent's true story of a life lost to the drug. (added 25 Feb 2002)
Fight against labeling of kids - ADD/ADHD is a myth, and here's the truth about it. (added 22 Apr 2002)
The Antidepressant Web - an intellectual analysis of the psychopharmaceutical industry and related issues
Committee for Truth in Psychiatry - What you should know about ECT, written by survivors
Doing Harm: Research on the Mentally Ill - (1998 Boston Globe article on patients' rights)
A Few Thoughts on Electroconvulsive Therapy - Dr. John Friedberg, Neurologist (don't go here if you have a weak stomach)
The Fraud of Psychiatry & Psychology - the conservative take on psychiatry in general and psychiatry in the military in particular
International Coalition for Drug Awareness - Clearinghouse for information on adverse reactions to psychotropic medications
The Mental Health Investigator, featuring no-holds-barred investigations of psychiatric tomfoolery - an omnibus site whose name says it all
Morgan Brown - Homeless Vermont man will walk across America to spread the word against forced psychiatric treatment
The Other Side Resource: The Other Side of Prozac, Paxil, and Zoloft, with special emphasis on women's issues
The Psychiatric Outlaw Home Page
ECT info clearinghouse
Richard Cohen Films. Documentary video about abuse in a psychiatric hospital.
The Righter - Retired psychiatrist Sarah Thompson is dedicated to the restoration of full civil liberties and limited Constitutional government
Seth Farber, PhD. Author of Unholy Madness: The Church's Surrender to Psychiatry and other classic readings
Support Coalition International - Grass roots struggle for human rights in "mental health". This site includes discussion groups, political watch for psychiatric issues, an online store, and the opt-in mailing list, Dendron, which is a great way to be kept abreast of breaking news.
We Don't Live Under Normal Conditions -- Documentary film about "depression" that challenges the conventional psychiatric view of mental illness as bad chemistry.
What You Should Know About Psychiatry and Psychiatric Drugs - a much better listing of books than the one that I have, mainly because of the comprehensive reviews (not to mention the nifty pix!).
A White Rose, in remembrance of those who have died as a result of the use of Prozac or Ritalin.
The Wildest Colts Make the Best Horses - John Breeding's site, centering on psychiatric abuse of children and what can be done about it
Your Brain on Psychiatry by Diane Klein, Author: In the Name of Help (Note: this is an old site - the new one is at
American Iatrogenic Association, promoting accountability for medical professionals and institutions.
Beyond Psychodiagnostics - Resources for Replacing "Mental Disease" with Democratic Dialogue
Consumer Organization & Networking Technical Assistance Center, "promoting self-help, recovery and empowerment"
The Critical Psychology Project: Transforming Society and Transforming Pychology
M-Power - mental health advocacy in Massachusetts
NARPA, National Association for Rights Protection and Advocacy
Soteria - A proven, viable, non-psychiatric alternative to the treatment of schizophrenia
P.A.C.T. - People Against Coercive Treatment. [p;itica;;y oriented with many additional links to survivor networks and action groups
PARADIGM - Building Blocks for a Consumer Driven Mental Health System - alternatives at work
The Psychiatric Ward
Radical Psychology Network
Queen Street Patients Council of Toronto, Canada. Very comprehensive, with lots and lots of references, links, bibliographies, etc. RECOMMENDED
Support Coalition International - Grass roots struggle for human rights in "mental health". Publishers of Dendron. Get yours! RECOMMENDED
Theory for the Liberation of the Psychiatrically Labeled
ALEPPOS -"If we can fairly and humanely address the systemic treatment of mental patients, we may well be on the road to understanding how to bring about peace."
Bev's Three-Legged Site
The Faces of Madness - Personal page links of people who experience mood swings, fear, voices and visions.
The Homepage of Patrick Alan Risser
Lunatic's Liberation Front - Irit Shimrat, author, Call Me Crazy
On the Eighth Day. Mental Illness? or Salvation
Psychiatric Survivor - Learn about Mark Bedillion who went from misdiagnosed mental patient, to hospital director.
RAPS -- Relatives and Allies of Psychiatric Survivors
Lightning Strike Survivor's Resources on the Web. Lightning strike survivors have a lot of the same problems psychiatric survivors of electroshock do. But don't expect to be embraced.
Natural Healing for Schizophrenia
NoPsychsOrg Alternative Internet resources.
Nutritional Help for Mental and other types of Illness
Prozac Survivors Page - All about America's favorite toxic time bomb
Psychiatric Survivor's Guide
Successful Schizophrenia
Quit Paxil
Prisoner of Paxil
Tyler Scott Swanson - the eloquent story of one boy's death from psychiatric causes.
Electroboy - An ECT survivor's site (book forthcoming from Random House)
The Tormented Mind - the memoir of a Chinese woman's experiences in the Canadian mental health system.
Another "Psychiatry Kills" site
Prozac under scrutiny